There's a small small bird
With a big big dream
Looking up to the sky
Wondering when she can fly

Her mother said
Now is not the time
Grow your wings first
Then you can strive

So the small small brid
Now has the big big wings
She's eager to fly
Up there so high

But her mother said
No, you're still a child
Be ready first
And then you can thrive

So the small small bird
Made a big big try
She learned of life
When she fell and cried

Again, her mother said
It's not your time yet to fly
Pass the test first
Only then you'll go high

So the small small bird
Failed the big big test
Because the test,
is not really in the nest
So her beauty left unexpressed

There's a small small bird
With a big big dream
Has become a big big bird
But with no longer a dream

-Nadia Anis Suraya-


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It was dark and cold
Everything was still
Something broke the silence
They just won't let me alone

I heard the clock ticking
Now I have to tell the time
Or they won't leave my mind
Haihhh... I wish the night is mine

It is 1:52 in the morning
I wish I were in my dreams
At least I can see you there
And we can be as happy as we want to be

-Nadia Anis Suraya-

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